OneDirectory UI Updates (Aug/Sep 2021)


Here are our latest UI updates:

šŸ“± Fixed various rendering issues on mobile view.

šŸ™‚ Updated styling of profile pictures on the mini org chart on the right side of the profiles.

šŸ‘Øā€šŸ’¼ Renamed "Reports to" on profile to "Manager"

šŸ”½ Alphabetically sorting the direct reports on the mini org chart.

āš“ Enabled org chart (beta) in the interface for OneDirectory admins only. Added org chart link in sidebar, and "View in org chart" link on right of profile (admins only for now).

šŸ”– Added a "Sort by" label next to the sort dropdown, and improved the styling of the dropdown.

šŸ“œ Fixed a scroll bug that occurs when a profile has lots of direct reports and you scroll "past" the end of the profile page.

šŸ“œ Improved the styling of the sidebar scrollbar.